What to Wear at the Cabin

Anyone who has spent any amount of time in the upper Midwest has been taught from an early age one of the most important life skills… how to layer.

When I say layer I don’t mean how to make Grandma’s amazing three-layer cake or your cousin’s seven-layer dip. Here in cabin country, the only type of layering that’s important is the layering of apparel. Most of our layering happens in the winter where it can be a question of life and death. But, with cool evening temps, a bit of layering skill can come in handy even during the summer months. After scouring the internet, we came up with a few pieces we’d love to add to our own layered wardrobe.

The base layer should be a good tank. It can be worn over a swimsuit during the day when the sun is beating down on the lake or under another shirt when it starts to cool off.

The perfect cabin wardrobe should mainly consist of t-shirts, at least in our humble opinion. The funnier, the more appropriate the message, the better.

Flannel. Because whether it’s winter, spring, summer or fall, flannel is always in style “up north.” Especially these from L.L. Bean.

Whatever you wear by the bonfire will soak up the smell, even after a wash or two. May as well make it official.

For those evenings by the fire or cool mornings sipping coffee on the deck – why not a quilt? It’s even better if it’s upcycled from all of those flannel shirts you wore out over the years!

To top it all off, you need a hat. In the summer we like a baseball cap. Keeps the sun out of our eyes while we’re out on the boat and keeps any fly away hair sufficiently under wraps. Mostly.

There you have it, the perfect layered cabin wardrobe. What are we missing? What would you add to the list?


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Rain, Rain, Go Away!